Saturday, November 10, 2012

Mr. Punch of Belgrave Square, Chapter 187

Chapter 187

Johnny Donnan jumped Charles first, but before Gamilla could scream, she felt Ellen’s hand clamp over her mouth.

Both Charles and Gamilla struggled, but Johnny was too strong for Charles and Ellen possessed the power that only hate and anger can afford. Father and faux daughter pushed the two into Gamilla’s room and shut the door.

Johnny tossed Charles to the floor where he landed with such a thud that the breath was knocked from him. Gamilla was thrown to the bed.

“Don’t make a sound.” Ellen hissed. “Not if you value your lives.”

“Death becomes you,” Charles spat at Ellen.

“I’m sure it’ll flatter you more than it did me, Charles.” Ellen retorted.

It was then that Gamilla noticed a third person in the room—someone who’d apparently already been in there while Johnny and Ellen lay in wait in the shadows of the passage.

Lennie stepped forward slightly so that she’d be seen. She nodded quickly at Gamilla.

“You remember my former maid, Orpha Polk.” Ellen said. “As I understand it, you spent some time with her.”

“What do you two want?” Charles asked.

“This dark bitch killed my boy.” Johnny growled.

“She did no such thing.” Charles replied. “Your ‘boy’ killed himself. His crimes were clearly too much for him and he couldn’t live with what he’d done.”

“He went runnin’ from fear.” Johnny shook his head. “Fear o’ what thus sorceress would do to ‘im.”

“I ain’t a sorceress.” Gamilla sighed. “The only magic in Finlay was a newfound sense of guilt. That’s what done killed him.”

“Quiet, girl!” Johnny barked.

“You’re all hypocrites—you followers of the Duke.” Ellen snarled. “You’re all so keen on finding justice, yet you’re never willing to pay for your own crimes.”

“What exactly are our crimes?” Charles spat.

“Well, for one, didn’t you lie with the Duke’s sister?” Ellen smiled.

“What’s this?” Johnny frowned.

“Not me.” Ellen clucked her tongue. “The other one—Barbara.”

“Aye?” Johnny laughed.

“You laugh, Mr. Donnan?” Charles sneered. “Where did your daughter come from?”

“We ain’t talkin’ ‘bout me, Lad.” Johnny barked.

“You see?” Ellen chirped. “Hypocrisy.”

“Maybe the Duke’s madness is catchin’.” Johnny smirked.

“Thankfully, I’m not saddled with it.” Ellen chuckled.

“You ain’t got any of the qualities that the Duke’s got!” Gamilla snapped. “That’s because you ain’t really his sister!”

Lennie’s eyes widened. She shook her head at Gamilla, hoping to stop the woman from saying more.

“What?” Johnny growled.

“That girl ain’t your daughter, Mr. Donnan. Before you start tossing out your own punishments, maybe you oughta look at your own life.” Gamilla continued.

“Gamilla.” Charles hissed under his breath.

“What’s she sayin’?” Johnny asked.

“Lies.” Ellen growled, looking quickly at Lennie.

Gamilla suddenly realized what she’d said and began to sweat. She’d not wanted to put Lennie in any danger.

“Why’d you say such a thing?” Johnny asked. “And, why’s everyone lookin’ at this Orpha girl?”

“She’s lying, Father.” Ellen said quickly. “She’s trying to confuse us.”

“No, no…” Johnny shook his head. “I know a liar when I see one, and, this girl ain’t that. She may be a witch, but she’s no cheat.”

Gamilla looked pleadingly at Lennie who remained silent.

“What’s goin’ on here?” Johnny demanded.

“We’re losing sight of what we’ve come here to do!” Ellen grimaced.

Lennie took a deep breath. She opened her mouth and began to speak, but words failed her.

Johnny turned to face his real daughter.

As he did, Charles seized the opportunity to lunge forward. Johnny, however, would not be toppled and he swung at Charles who ducked. Sadly, the force of Johnny’s swing propelled him forward and his fist struck Gamilla who had risen to tackle Ellen.

Gamilla fell backward as Lennie screamed. “Father, stop!”

The rage in Johnny’s face dissolved into a countenance of confusion and he spun to face Lennie.

“Shut up!” Ellen snarled.

“Quiet, lass.” Johnny raised a hand. “That girl just called me ‘Father.’ Why?”

“Because.” Lennie inhaled. “I’m your daughter. This woman is an imposter.”

Did you miss Chapters 1-186 of Mr. Punch of Belgrave Square? If so, you can read them here. Come back on Monday for Chapter 188.


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