Saturday, September 8, 2012

Mr. Punch of Belgrave Square, Chapter 134

Chapter 134:

What of Miss Barrett, Your Grace?” Charles asked as he returned to the nursery with Colin in his arms.

“No one’s thought to look in on her with all this chaos in the house.” Mr. Punch replied.

“I’m sure she’s fine.” Charles frowned.

“But, a lady alone—and she’s sick, too. I’d hate to think that someone took advantage of her weakened state.” Mr. Punch wrung his hands.

“She can look after herself, Sir.” Charles shook his head.

“I concur.” Robert nodded.

“Maybe we ought to…” Punch began.

Robert raised any eyebrow.

“Chum…” Punch protested.

“I thought we’d already agreed that you’d stay here with Colin and Charles.” Robert sighed.

“We did.” Punch muttered.

“Dear Punch,” Robert embraced is companion. “I adore you for how you worry about everyone. Your compassion is inspiring, but I can’t see fit to endorse risking your own life for the sake of Miss Barrett.”

Mr. Punch nodded.

“I’m certain that Speaight has thought to look in on her.” Robert smiled.

“Prob’ly.” Punch replied.

“Now I must go back to Gerard.” Robert said softly.

“I know.” Mr. Punch replied. “I’ll hold good thoughts.”

“I shall let you know when we’ve finished.” Robert nodded. He paused and then said. “You may hear…well…”

“I know.” Mr. Punch said. “I’ll try to keep Colin from listening to the poor bloke scream.”

Robert nodded again.

Charles spoke up, “Your Grace, if you don’t mind, I’ll hand Master Colin to you.”

“I don’t mind at all.” Mr. Punch smiled. “I love holdin’ our boy.”

Charles passed the sleeping child to Mr. Punch. “I’ll fetch his cradle and then join you in here, Sir.”

“Course.” Punch replied. “Oh…I think his soft doggy is in me chamber. Left it on the chair, he did.”

“The mohair Scottish terrier?”

“That’s the one.” Punch answered. “He’ll be wantin’ it, he will, when he wakes. Makes him feel safe.”

“I’ll look for it, Your Grace.”

“It’s a doggy. Looks like our Dog Toby,” Punch continued nervously. “Only a different color.” Punch pointed to Dog Toby who sat patiently by the nursery fire.

“I know the plaything, Sir.”

“Makes the baby feel safe,” Punch repeated.

“Would you like for me to get your puppet for you, Sir?” Charles suggested, hoping that his own toy might make him feel more comfortable.

“Oh, yes please.” Punch replied gratefully. “You can get the other, too. He’s also in me room.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“That way, you can have a puppet what you can play with, too.”

“I’m honored, Your Grace.”

“Ain’t nothin’.” Punch shrugged.

With that Charles returned to the Duke’s adjoining room where Robert nodded to him.

“Listen, Charles, when His Grace worries like this, he tends to act rashly and venture out on his own to satisfy his desire to be helpful.”

“I know, Sir.” Charles replied. “I’ll keep an eye on him. I’m going to bring his puppet to him. That ought to soothe him, I think.”

“Thank you.” Robert sighed. He looked toward the bed where Gerard writhed in pain. Gamilla looked back at the doctor helplessly.

“Well, then,” Robert began. “Gamilla, we’ll begin.”

“You’ll need your bag, Sir.” Gamilla answered.

“I will.”

“Do you want me to get it?” Charles asked.

“No.” Robert shook his head. “Just take the cradle back into the nursery. I’ll fetch it.”

“I can go, Doctor.”

“No.” Robert repeated. “I’d rather you stay with Gerard. I’m just going to pop off to my rooms. I won’t be a moment. But, I’d rather you not tell His Grace that I’ve slipped out.”

“Yes, Sir.” Charles replied. He grabbed Colin’s toy dog and the two puppets from the armchair in the corner of Punch’s room and placed them in the cradle. Picking up the crib and taking it toward the nursery, he added. “I’ll make sure that the Duke is comfortable and content, Sir.”

“Thank you.”

“Dr. Halifax,” Gamilla rose once Charles had left. “I don’t like you goin’ out there alone.”

“Gamilla, there’s no other way. I can’t suture the wound until I get my instruments.”

Gamilla sighed.

“It’ll be fine. I assure you.”

“Yes Sir.” Gamilla answered nervously.

“Is there something else?” Robert asked.

“Yes, Sir.” Gamilla whispered.

“What is it, Gamilla?”

“Sir—watch out for Miss Barrett and Finlay.”

“Oh?” Robert raised his eyebrows.

“Yes.” Gamilla nodded.

“Why?” Robert asked.

“I think they done this, Sir. I think they done killed Mrs. North and that countess--I heard ya through the door, Sir, when ya told his Grace 'bout her. I think they done stabbed my Gerard.”

Did you miss Chapters 1-133? If so, you can read them here. Come back on Monday for Chapter 135 of Mr. Punch of Belgrave Square.

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