Friday, September 7, 2012

Mr. Punch of Belgrave Square, Chapter 133

Chapter 133:
Missing Something 

Mr. Punch raised his eyebrows. “Chum?”

Robert took a deep breath. “Gamilla, can you stay with Gerard for just a moment?”

“Of course, Dr. Halifax.” Gamilla nodded, taking Gerard’s limp hand in her own.

“Charles,” Robert nodded to the Duke’s valet. “Please come with us to the nursery.”

“Should I bring Colin, Sir?” Charles asked.

“No.” Robert shook his head.

“I’ll watch him, too, Sir.” Gamilla offered.

“We won’t be but just a moment.” Robert said by way of thanks.

Punch and Charles followed Robert into the nursery—Dog Toby trotting behind.

“Well?” Punch began.

“When Gerard and I went downstairs to investigate that scream that we heard, we discovered Lady Lensdown.”

“Is she hurt?” Mr. Punch asked.

“No.” Robert replied. “She was, however, quite distraught.”


“She’d discovered that the Countess Hamish had been killed.” Robert replied plainly, unsure of just how to couch the announcement.

“The countess?” Punch’s jaw dropped. “How? Who did it?”

“We don’t know the identity of the killer. She was…stabbed, I suppose. But, more than that. It’s really quite awful.”

“How dreadful.” Punch leaned against a chest of drawers.

“As we were about to exit, Gerard was attacked from behind in the dark. We came right up here via the service stairs. I wanted to tell you, however I thought it best to see to Gerard first. Once I’d assessed how he’d fare, I thought…”

“You don’t gotta ‘xplain, Chum.” Punch shook his head. “I understand. You did the right thing.” He sighed. “I can’t say I’m sad that the Countess is no more, but I will say that no one should die in such a way. I don’t wish that on a soul, I don’t. Truly. It’s awful, it is, that it happened here, too. I feel like it’s my fault. How’s Lady Constance?”

“Quite upset. Mrs. Pepper, the girls and Georgie took pity on her and brought her to the Servants’ Hall with Lady Lensdown who is, understandably, quite shaken.”

“What of the Baron? Didn’t he attend his wife?”

“No.” Robert shrugged. “In fact, he showed no concern whatsoever.”

“Sir, should I go downstairs?” Charles asked. “You said that Mr. Speaight was preparing rooms for the guests, but I don’t like to think that he’s unaided.”

“Some of the men from the estate, led by Johnny Donnan, are guarding the entrances and exits.” Robert explained.

“Well, maybe no one can get in or out, but whatever bloke what killed our Mrs. North and the countess is still in the house, I ‘spect.”

“Precisely why I forbade you to leave these rooms.” Robert said softly, brushing his fingers against Punch’s arm.

“I’ll go help Mr. Speaight, then.” Charles volunteered.

“I’d rather you didn’t.” Robert shook his head. “As evidenced by the placement of the stolen jewels in Gerard’s pocket, I can see that someone has also targeted the two of you. I’d really prefer that you stay here with us.”

“Sir, we can’t let Mr. Speaight do all of this on his own. Johnny Donnan may be able to control the men from the fields, but he’s too rough to be of any help to Mr. Speaight. With Mrs. Pepper, Georgie and the girls in the Servants’ Hall, that rather leaves Mr. Speaight on his own. Who’s to help him? Vi? I don’t think she’d be much protection. Finlay? I suspect he’s somehow a part of this wickedness. We don’t really know the others on the staff here.”

“I appreciate your loyalty and your willingness, but I do feel strongly about this. I want you to stay here.”

Mr. Punch nodded. “You need to stay, Charlie.”

“Yes, Your Grace.” Charles sighed.

“You understand, don’t ya?” Punch asked.

“I do.” Charles nodded. “I simply feel…”

“Helpless?” Robert suggested.

“Yes, Sir. And, maybe a little useless.”

“You’re hardly useless, Charles.” Robert smiled. “I really must go back to Gerard. Please bring Colin in here and stay with His Grace until I return. Then, we can decide what next to do. I’m counting on you to make sure that my family is safe. Not only is the Duke important to me, but he’s, as you know, a favorite of the Crown. Your Sovereign, your country and I are all relying on you.”

“Of course.” Charles inhaled. “I’ll go get Master Colin.”

After Charles slipped into the next room, Robert leaned in and whispered to Punch, “Are you quite all right?”

“I am.” Punch nodded. “Shocked, maybe. Angry. Sad. I can only be thankful that you’re safe.”

“That’s all I want. If nothing else—just to keep our little family, including the staff, safe. But, most of all—you and Colin.”

“Charlie and I will be with him.” Punch smiled. “When you finish with Gerard, I’m sure Gamilla will be happy to stay with our boy, too. After all, Gerry’s gonna need his rest.”

“That he is.” Robert sighed. “Poor Gerard—he always seems to be caught in the wrong place.”

“And he means so well. He’s such a good man. Have you seen him with Colin? How he plays?”

“I have.” Robert grinned. “When he’s with Gamilla and Colin and they don’t realize we’re watching.”

“Don’t know what we’d do without Gamilla, too.” Punch continued. “Especially with Miss Barrett bein’…” Punch’s voice faded.

“My dear?”

“Miss Barrett!” Punch bellowed. “I think we’re missin’ somethin’ here!”

Did you miss Chapters 1-132 of Mr. Punch of Belgrave Square? If so, you can read them here. Come back tomorrow for Chapter 134. 

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