Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Punch’s Cousin, Chapter 451

Really, Odo,” Ulrika grumbled as she pulled her shawl over her shoulders. “This had better not be one of your tricks.”

“Why would I wanna trick ya?” Odo shrugged as he weaved his way through the bustling streets of the French Quarter.

Ulrika and Giovanni followed him, trying to keep up with his quick gait.

Giovanni moaned—his wound hurting him with every step.

“Can we slow down a tad?” Ulrika asked. “Mr. Iantosca is in poor health.”

“We can slow down all ya want.” Odo stopped, grinning. “But, Miss Allen ain’t gonna wait forever.”

“Where are you taking us?” Giovanni coughed.

“You’ll see.” Odo frowned. “With respect, Sir, if you can’t keep up, maybe you should stay back. Ain’t like Miss Allen wanted to see you anyway. She tol’ me only to bring Miss Ulrika.”

“Mr. Iantosca goes where I go.” Ulrika responded firmly.

“Fine,” Odo shrugged again. “But, we better get there.”

“This is foolish.” Giovanni snapped. “We’re following this creature around the city with no promise of any…”

“That woman took something from me,” Ulrika interrupted.

“Do you really think that she’s going to return it?” Giovanni growled. “She’s luring you into some trap!”

“It’ll take more than Barbara Allen to trap me.” Ulrika shot back.

“Really?” Giovanni bellowed. “She managed to get the diamond, didn’t she? I know this girl. She’s involved with my brother. I’ve seen the extent of her madness.”

“She ain’t involved with your brother no more, Sir.” Odo responded.


“No, Sir. Mr. Charles done left her.”

“Really?” Ulrika chirped with glee. “So, the whore has no man on her arm? How difficult that must be for her.”

“She’s a broken woman, Miss.” Odo continued. “She wants to make good so she can go away.”

“So you’ve said.” Giovanni mumbled.

“Ain’t much further.” Odo winked. “Come with me.”

“I’ve never been over here,” Ulrika said nervously as she looked around at the dark faces that stared at her. She chuckled self-consciously. “You know? When I was a girl Mama always told me not to come into this sort of this part of the quarter because these people would steal my hair.”

“Your hair?” Giovanni sniggered.

“Yes.” Ulrika pouted. “They believe that titian hair has some sort of power, I think. Mama said that they’d overpower me to take my hair to use in their rituals.”

“That ain’t true, Miss.” Odo laughed. “It ain’t your hair these folk want.”

“That’s comforting.” Ulrika whispered.

“Here she is.” Odo pointed to a tavern—the tavern where he had met with Amber only hours before.

“I can’t go in there.” Ulrika shook her head. “It wouldn’t be proper for a woman to…”

“There’s women in there.” Odo said quickly.

“Not ladies.” Ulrika protested.

“Miss Allen is in there.”

“As I said,” Ulrika spat.

“Do you want your diamond or not?” Odo growled.

Ulrika snorted. “Very well. Take us in.”

“I can’t.” Odo replied. “I’m not allowed on this side.”

“Why not?”

“Because he’s African!” Giovanni snapped.

“Oh, yes.” Ulrika muttered.

“I’ll keep an eye on ya from the other side.” Odo said. “When you’re finished, jus’ signal and I’ll take you home.”

“You’re safe with me, darling.” Giovanni smiled.

“Of course I am.” Ulrika frowned.

“Go on, then. She can’t wait all day!” Odo urged.

Ulrika nodded, taking Giovanni’s hand. Together they walked into the tavern as Odo scurried through the alley and darted into the back entrance.

“Back so soon?” Amber grinned, limping toward him. “Want some company, Odo?”

“Maybe later.” Odo winked. “If you don’t fall over first.”

Amber scowled. “Ain’t like I gotta stand to make my coins.”

“Leave me be.” Odo spat, hurrying to the lattice-work screen which separated the two parts of the tavern.

“You’re gonna get your yella eyes poked, Little Odo.” Amber laughed.

“If this works out, Amber, I can buy new eyes.” Odo replied. “And buy you some new legs.” He glanced at her. “Maybe some that don’t look like the pillars outside a church.”

“You little rat,” Amber sniffed.

“Shut up.” Odo smirked.

“What’re you so keen to see, Odo?” Amber came closer.

Odo grabbed Amber by her soft, meaty arm and pulled her toward the screen.

“See them?” He whispered.

“The lady with the red hair and that handsome fella?”

“Yep.” Odo smiled.

“What’s the likes of them doin’ in here?” Amber asked. Her eyes widened. “Ain’t that the English lady with them? She’s a loon, I hear.”

“Sure is.” Odo laughed. “That loon’s gonna make me my fortune.”

“What you doin’ wrapped up with the likes of her?”

Odo sighed. “Mr. Cage don’t think I’m worth thinkin’ ‘bout. He thinks I’m just a pair of hands with no mind. He’ll see I got a mind.”

“What you talkin’ ‘bout?” Amber squinted.

“What you’re watchin’, my dear, is the fall of the houses of Cage and Rittenhouse and the start of a scandal the likes of which you never saw before.”

“This is your doin’?”

“Part.” Odo nodded.

Amber and Odo watched as Ulrika and Giovanni hesitantly sat across from a grinning Barbara Allen.

“What’s more,” Odo winked. “It’ll mean the ruin of Iolanthe Evangeline and Marie Laveau.”

“Hey, did you hear ‘bout Marie?” Amber said eagerly. “I hear she was tied up in front of Iolanthe’s.”

“Quiet.” Odo whispered. “None of that matters now.”

“You think that little slip of a thing is gonna do all that?” Amber pointed at Barbara.

“I know she is.” Odo nodded.

“How?” Amber laughed.

“She’s got the most powerful hate I done ever saw.” Odo chuckled. “Ain’t nothin’ stronger than that.” He put his arm around Amber’s thick waist. “Nothin’ in the world.”

Did you miss Chapters 1-450? If so, you can read them here.

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