Monday, August 16, 2010

Punch's Cousin, Chapter 19

Julian pressed the ring into Robert’s hand. The physician’s delicate fingers closed around the ring, silencing the fire of its blue sparkle.

Robert smiled, the skin at the corners of his hazel eyes crinkling. He chuckled.

“You’re not laughing at me, are you?” Mr. Punch asked, his voice quaking through Julian’s tight lips.

“Certainly not.” Robert shook his head.

“So, you’ll keep silent, then?” Punch asked.

“For now, yes, Mr. Punch.” Robert nodded. “However, I’m sure you can’t argue that Lord Fallbridge has a right to know that you make use of his body.”

“Here now,” Julian’s shoulders shrugged as Punch spoke, “What good’ll do him? I’m the one with all the intellect anyway. I’ve know more than ‘e does. I’ve seen more than he has. It’s me what knows what’s going on. He doesn’t even remember most anything.”

Robert drew in a breath and exhaled through his nose, sharply. He shook his head again; tendrils of sandy hair tickled his tanned forehead.

“I do understand what you’re saying. I will keep your secret. However, I want you to be aware that I’m doing it for Julian’s own protection.” Robert said. He opened his palm and offered the ring back to Julian, or, more accurately to Punch. “I won’t be needing this.”

“I gave it to you. It’s the price of your silence.” Punch answered.

“No. You see, it isn’t yours to give. This belongs to Julian, and, he will, no doubt, miss it. I shouldn’t think either of us would wish to cause him further distress.”

Punch was silent. He gazed at Robert from wide, glassy eyes that seemed to swim in Julian’s head.

“I don’t understand.” Punch replied after awhile. “What do you want, then?”

“I want what’s best for Julian. Any reward I receive will come from him—not from you.” Robert answered.

“Everyone wants something. What do you want?” Punch narrowed Julian’s eyes. “You must want something.”

“I do.” Robert winked. “But, I’ll get it from Lord Fallbridge, not from Mr. Punch.”

Punch took the ring and placed it on Julian’s finger. He then lay back on the bed and laughed. “You’re just as mad as my master is.”

“Is he?”

“Quite. Barking mad.” Punch continued laughing.

“No. That’s not what I mean. Is he your master?” Robert asked.

“In name only.” Punch grinned. “See, now it’s my hand what’s up his back.”

“Now, you must rest. It’s no good you wearing out Julian’s body. You need it. Don’t you?” Robert said.

“Much as I don’t want to say it, you are correct.” Punch said. “I’ve got to do everything, you know. Sleep, eat, fight. He doesn’t do a blasted thing.”

“All the more reason for you to rest.”

“Fine, then. But, unlike you, I’m doing it for me-self, not for himself.” Punch chuckled.

“Stay here. I shall see what’s keeping that Arthur with our tray. I’m taking the key, and I’m going to lock the door behind me.”

“Oh, no. You’re not locking me in here! I won’t get locked in a cabinet again!”

“Would you be stolen again?” Robert asked slyly. “Julian locked you in a cabinet and wasn’t able to keep you safe. I can. I can make sure that nothing happens to you.”

Punch closed Julian’s eyes. “Perhaps you can, Doctor.”

“You’ll stay, then?” Robert asked.

“Only because I want to.” Punch answered.

Robert pulled the curtain over the porthole—blocking out the light that he knew bothered Julian so. “I will return forthwith.”

Locking the door behind him, Robert leaned against the wall for a moment and sighed. “Poor man.” He muttered. “I didn’t expect to develop a fondness…” He pressed his hands together. “That only makes this more difficult.” With that, he walked down the corridor.

In the narrow cabin, Julian again became aware of his surroundings. At first, in the darkness, he imagined that he was in his own bed at Fallbridge Hall. But, soon, he realized that he was not. The narrow bed, at first, startled Julian whose mind raced with the faint memory of being in hospital, unable to move his arms—his throat a throbbing tangle of pain.

Bolting upright, Julian began panting. As he tried to stand, the floor seemed to move beneath him.

“I’m on a ship.” Julian said to himself. He struggled to remember how he’d gotten there.

A faint knock on the cabin’s door made Julian jump.

“Lord Fallbridge,” a woman whispered through the door. “Please, I need to see you.”

Julian froze with terror. He knew the voice. His body shook as he felt bruises rising on his arm.

Did you miss Chapters 1-18?  If so, you can read them here.


Dashwood said...

At least for the moment it would appear that Robert may, in fact, be a champion. Unfortunately, Punch does seem to have the upper hand. Thanks for an interesting start to the week.

Darcy said...

I hope we can trust Robert, but in Lord Julian's world things aren't always what they appear to be.

Joseph Crisalli said...

I'm afraid that, yes, Punch does appear to have the upper hand. As for Robert, he's up to something. But, what?